Friday, May 30, 2008

Here's the deal.....

This is the third blog I have started. I started my first blog back in 2004 when I was still in college. Back then blogging wasn't quite the community/phenomenon/addiction that it has become today. I posted every few days months for about a year and then sort of forgot about it as my life got busy. I came back to it when my daughter was born and started using it as a way to let family keep in touch and see pictures. I still maintain that blog. But I decided that I wanted my own personal blog that was more like an online journal for me. So, I scooted myself over to (because I wanted to try out another hosting site) and started a blog. I have been posting on that one for about a month now however, yesterday I was made aware of some blog ettiquette, some unwritten bloggin rules, one of which was that bloggers get annoyed when someone uses a blog name thats the same or similar to theirs. Totally understandable. I had googled my blog name and nothing came up. But after reading the ettiquette, I googled a couple different versions of the name and lo and behold there were at least three blogs that had been started before mine. So, being the somewhat obsessive-compulsive follower of rules that I am, I decided to just scrap that blog and start anew. And Folded But Not Put Away was born...literally like this morning!

The title of my blog was the title of my About page on my wordpress blog. Here's some background on it. Last June I had my first child and my husband and I decided that I would stay at home to care for her. I was excited about this and hand delusions of grandeur about the mother I would be and the spic-n-span house I would keep. (A little June Cleaver I know) Reality set in by the time my daughter was about 6 months old, and after several mornings of conversations like the following:

Dear husband: Honey are my brown socks clean?
Me: Yes. They are in the laundry basked. I folded them but haven't put them away yet.

You can pretty much put substitute any article of clothing where it says brown socks: my shirt, my black pants, my running shorts, you get the idea. I was very good at keeping the clothes clean but somehow they never seemed to make it back into the drawers. So its become a joke between my husband and I. I think I'm getting better though (she says while sitting on the couch blogging with a basket full of laundry at her feet). I think you can make some good analogies to life with this as well because the clothes still serve their purpose (able to be worn), they just aren't exactly where they belong. I think sometimes we are the same. I can think of many periods in my life where I have been willing to do what's required of me as a mom, wife, sister, daughter, etc. but have not quite been in the right place emotionally, spiritually, or in my relationships with those around me. Maybe I'm taking this way to far but I really believe that lessons can be learned from almost any situation in life. But there you have it, the history behind my blog. Now let's get started shall we?